
#InvolvedWithOngo Image

We’ve been engaging with you in different and digitalised ways over the last six months, meaning you’ve still been able to influence and improve many of our services.

It’s been fantastic to overcome barriers and still keep in touch. Take a look at some examples of this below:

Neighbourhoods and communities

After some virtual meetings, our Tenant Inspectors group began to start green-space and estate inspections again from September.

The group normally do inspections on neighbourhoods, homes and services to help ensure any issues are raised, and that improvements are made. A safe system of working was developed and a risk assessment updated to allow the outdoor inspections to recommence.

Kath Tuck, a new member, said: “I’ve loved being able to start these inspections, and to start learning from more experienced members of the group.

“It’s nice to go out and make sure our communities are the best that they can be.”

Younger tenant representation

In the last edition, we mentioned that we would be texting tenants aged 30 and under monthly with some questions to further involve them.

We sent out our first text survey in September. This focused on Key News and what our younger tenants currently thought about the magazine – we got a lot of great responses and ideas.

These included having a regular feature on opportunities and support for young people in the local community, more competitions, and further promotion of local activities and events.

All the suggestions have been collected, and will be included in an action plan for future editions.

If you are aged 30 and under and want further information, email our team on customer.engagement@ongo.co.uk

Lettings Policy

We are currently reviewing this policy, and we will soon be sharing a draft of it along with a survey on our website and on social media. This is to ensure we get your views to help us make our policy just right.

All the feedback from tenants, staff and the agencies we work with will be used to finalise our Lettings Policy. It will then be presented to our main tenant group, Community Voice, who will either approve or vote against the updated policy.

Get involved

Whether you want to add to your CV, help influence yours and fellow tenants’ lives, learn new skills, meet new people or just simply have your say, there’s many ways in which you can do so at a level and time that suits you. Click here to find out more, including our updated Customer Engagement handbook.