First smart home devices successfully installed for our tenants to trial

First smart home devices successfully installed for our tenants to trial Image

A project to install 160 smart home Switchee devices to our properties, with air source heat pumps, is close to completion. 

As we look to the future with aims of being net zero by 2050, this project will provide them with data on how heat pumps perform, energy efficiency and if they are the best solution going forward.

The smart devices deliver a simple and modern way of allowing tenants to control temperature, see exactly what energy they’re using and better inform them on the most effective and economical way to heat their home, in turn helping them to save money.

Devices have been fitted across the region, from Epworth to Luddington, and Scunthorpe. 

Mrs Benstead, who recently had a device fitted commented: “My Switchee monitor has been good so far, the house has kept warm and I’m saving money and being able to manage what I’m using better.”

Evelina Paulauskaite, Research and Development Engineer here at Ongo says: “This project is part of our smarter homes programme to look at how technology can support tenants and ensure we offer high quality and efficient properties for years to come.

“The devices will not only help us measure efficiency, they will also identify any vulnerable tenants that may be at risk of fuel poverty and communicate directly without having to rely on wifi.

“This will save time, allow us to rapidly respond to maintenance issues, better inform tenants on their energy usage hopefully resulting in cost savings for them and overall, provide a better service.

“We’re looking to the future with this project. The initial programme is for a small number of retrofit installations so we can monitor the impact and potentially roll it out further.”

Tom Robins, CEO at Switchee says: “This project is a result of Ongo’s technology driven objective to gain insight into the energy efficiency of its new air source heat pumps. To find out how they are being used and minimise the effects of the current energy crisis on its tenants.

“We are delighted to partner a housing provider that shares the same values that we have at Switchee, recognising the importance of innovation and adopting new technology that will protect the environment and improve the lives of its local community.”