Committee vacancies
Find out more about our Customer Focus Committee vacancies.
Customer Focus Committee vacancies
We’re looking to recruit three skilled and enthusiastic tenants (must be a current Ongo tenant, leaseholder or shared owner) to join our newly formed Customer Focus Committee.
This committee meets approximately six times a year, sitting within our formal governance structures, and reports directly into the Ongo Homes Board. We’ve formed this committee because we want to make sure our tenant voices are an integral part of our governance structures. Tenants know and experience our services every day, therefore they are the experts and we need them to be involved in the strategic decision making of the organisation.
This committee is made up of seven people, three current Ongo Homes board members, the chair of Community Voice (our recognised main customer engagement structure of involvement) and three independent tenant members. Remuneration for the post of an Tenant Committee Member is £3,750 per annum.
If you would like to apply, then please send over a letter of application to detailing why you would like to join the committee and what skills and attributes you can bring to it. You should also complete an Equal Opportunities form, which can be found at the bottom of this page. The deadline to apply is Friday 21 February at 5pm.
If you would like to have an informal chat about this opportunity before you apply, you can contact either Gemma Willey (, or Karen Cowan (
For your information, all applications will be considered and a shortlist created. We will then invite our top applicants to attend an interview with us.
Recruitment Pack and Role Profile
Equal Opportunities form
We would like to ask you a few additional questions which will help us to monitor our equal opportunities policy. Any information given in this section will not be used in the selection process. The information that you provide will be held separately from your application and will be used for equal opportunities monitoring purposes only.