Ongo Commercial Complaints and Feedback Policy – December 2020

Lead Officer: lee Coulson, Head of Commercial

Version 1.0

Purpose/Changes New policy

Approval Date 9/12/20

Approved By Executive Leadership Team

Suggested Review Date November 2021

1.1 To do our best to get things right and provide an excellent level of service. However, we recognise that things can go wrong and that there may be reason to complain.

1.2 To welcome all feedback to ensure that we improve our services.

1.3 To learn from complaints to prevent similar problems in the future.

1.4 To recognise any dissatisfaction with the level of service you receive as a complaint. However, if we can help resolve your problem straight away we will, without you having to make a formal complaint.

1.5 To support you to make a complaint by making the process as easy as possible.

1.6 To ensure you know who is dealing with your complaint and when they will be contacting you. We will keep you informed of what is happening until we have resolved the problem.

1.7 To resolve your complaint quickly and completely, ensuring we listen to your opinion and understand fully what your complaint is about.

2.1 All customers of Ongo Commercial including Ongo Roofing Ltd. (trading as Ashbridge Roofing Solutions) and Ongo Heating and Plumbing Ltd. (trading as Hales & Coultas). and those who may have been affected by a service we have provided. Someone can make a complaint on your behalf or as part of a collective complaint if you inform us of your consent to this.

2.2 Only our staff and companies providing a service on behalf of Ongo Commercial are included in this policy. We cannot take complaints that are outside of our control.

2.3 We will only look at complaints if they are within 2 months of when you first became aware of the problem, unless there are exceptional circumstances (e.g. hospital stays).

3.1 If we cannot resolve your complaint when we first speak with you, we will let you know who will be dealing with your complaint and agree a convenient time for them to make contact with you. We aim for this to be within 2 working days of receiving your complaint.

3.2 Complaint Investigation

3.2.1 The person dealing with your complaint will contact you within 2 days to make sure they understand what your complaint is about and what your expectations are. They will agree a timescale with you for the complaint investigation to be completed. We aim for this to be within 10 working days from when you first report this to us, depending on the nature of the complaint. They will keep you informed throughout the investigation.

3.2.2 They will discuss their findings with you and where required, agree with you what we will do to make the matter right and when you can expect the matter to be fully closed. We will provide you with a written summary.

3.3 Complaint Appeals

3.3.1 If you are unhappy with the outcome or handling of the complaint, you can ask for your complaint to be looked at again. You will be asked to explain the reason why you are still unhappy and what your expectations are. We will let you know who will be dealing with your complaint within 3 days and agree a convenient time for them to make contact with you. They will need to review your initial complaint, but we aim to complete our investigation and feedback to you within 14 working days of you asking for your complaint to be escalated. They will keep you informed throughout the review and agree any extensions to timeframes with you.

3.3.2 They will discuss their findings with you and where required, agree with you what we will do to make the matter right and when you can expect the matter to be fully closed.

3.4 This is the end of our formal complaints process.

3.5 Although we will make every effort to resolve your complaint, if you are still unhappy with the outcome we will let you know if there are any other bodies under which you can progress your complaint (e.g. trade body).

4.1 Our customer facing staff and those involved in complaint investigations will receive full complaints training, with periodic refresher training. Each manager will receive regular reports on complaint handling in their service area.

4.2 We will monitor that we keep to agreed timescales through various performance reports to our management teams.

4.3 We will monitor that we have kept you informed, resolved your complaint fully and how happy you are with the handling of your complaint. We will do this via a satisfaction survey carried out by an independent body. This information will be reported to our management teams.

4.4 We will report on our performance and how we have improved our services through complaints to our customers at least once a year.

5.1 We can only resolve your complaint if you provide us with all the relevant information and are clear about what you want us to do to resolve the matter.

5.2 You must co-operate with the person investigating the complaint and allow them access where necessary to help resolve the complaint.

5.3 We cannot investigate complaints where behaviour is abusive or threatening.

5.4 There are some customers that make unreasonable demands on our time and make repeat complaints about the same problem. This behaviour impacts on our ability to provide a high level of service and can disadvantage other customers. Where a customer makes repeat complaints we reserve the right to stop the complaint investigation and close the complaint. Depending on the circumstance, the customer maybe referred to a support service or contact will be restricted to a named person or method of contact.

6.1 In a year’s time to make sure it still meets our aims, or earlier if anything changes that affects it.