Tenant Satisfaction Measures
In April 2023, the Regulator of Social Housing introduced 22 performance measures that landlords must report on.
What are Tenant Satisfaction Measures?
In April 2023, the Regulator for Social Housing introduced a set of 22 performance measures that all social housing landlords must report on. The central aim of these measures are to provide customers with greater openness, accountability and transparency about how we are performing as a landlord and to inform the regulator about how we are complying with consumer standards.
These measures called the tenant satisfaction measures (TSMs), consist of 10 management performance measures collected directly from us, the landlord and 12 perception questions collected through surveying our customers directly. Each landlord is required to submit the results of these measures to the social housing regulator and also publish the results to customers at least annually as part of the Transparency, Influence and Accountability standard.
We started to collect the feedback from our first ever TSM survey on 1 April 2023 by sending a survey link to our customers in rented homes (low cost rental accommodation, or LCRA). The survey ran from 1 April 2023 until 31 March 2024 and replaces the Survey of Tenants and Residents (STAR) that was completed twice a year prior to the TSMs being introduced.
If you would like to find out more details on the TSMs and why they have been introduced, you can visit the gov.uk website here.
For more details on the Transparency, Influence and Accountability Standard that the TSMs relate to, please click here.
There are 22 in total, and all social housing providers are required to report on them. These include;
- 10 performance measures that will be collected through providers directly.
- 12 customer perception survey measures that will be collected through contacting customers directly (this could be through email or text with a link to our survey).
The TSMs cover the following key areas:
- Overall satisfaction
- Keeping properties in good repair
- Maintaining building safety
- Respectful and helpful engagement
- Effective handling of complaints
- Responsible neighbourhood management
The 12 questions we will ask our customers are:
- TP01: Overall satisfaction
- TP02: Satisfaction with repairs
- TP03: Satisfaction with time taken to complete most recent repair
- TP04: Satisfaction that the home is well-maintained
- TP05: Satisfaction that the home is safe
- TP06: Satisfaction that Ongo listens to tenant views and acts upon them
- TP07: Satisfaction that Ongo keeps tenants informed about things that matter to them
- TP08: Agreement that Ongo treats tenants fairly and with respect
- TP09: Satisfaction with Ongo’s approach to handling of complaints
- TP10: Satisfaction that Ongo keeps communal areas clean and well maintained
- TP11: Satisfaction that Ongo makes a positive contribution to neighbourhoods.
In addition to the above questions and to help improve the services we provide to our customers we will also ask you to tell us in your own words:-
- How do you think Ongo Homes could improve its service?
The 10 performance measures we will collect are:-
- CH01: Complaints relative to the size of the landlord*
- CH02: Complaints responded to with Complaint Handling Code timescales
- NM01: ASB cases relative to the size of the landlord**
- RP01: Homes that do not meet the Decent Homes Standard
- RP02: Repairs completed with target timescales
- BS01: Gas safety checks
- BS02: Fire safety checks
- BS03: Asbestos safety checks
- BS04: Water safety checks
- BS05: Lift safety checks
*This measure will be based on the number of complaints we receive for each 1,000 homes we own
**This measure will be based on the number of anti-social behaviour cases for each 1,000 homes we own including the number of cases that involve hate incidents.
Every household will be invited to take part in the survey between 1st April -31st March every year and you will receive the link to your survey via email or SMS on the anniversary of your tenancy start date.
Example: if you started your tenancy on the 4th January in any year, you will receive the survey annually every 4th of January.
We may also send you a reminder to complete the survey in October and again in March of each year if we notice you haven’ yet had your say! We will only include one response per household. As it is important to us that all customers have their say, please make sure that your email and mobile number we hold on record for you are up to date.
If you have opted out of our surveys before or would like to complete a survey with one of our agents, contact us via the methods below:-
- email: Enquiries@ongo.co.uk
- call: 01724 279900
The survey of 12 customer perception questions will take no more than 10 minutes to complete.
When undertaking a survey, providers must, as far as possible, generate a sample size for overall satisfaction (TP01) that meets the minimum level of statistical accuracy based on the number of stock, so for an association like Ongo we require approx. 965 responses, however as we take a ‘census’ approach where all households are welcome to take part in the survey annually, we provide the regulator with the feedback from all of our customers that participated whether the number of responses has been exceeded or not.
We want to make sure that all our tenants are listened to and represented fairly, so throughout the year we assess and check the following characteristics of all our respondents that we believe has an impact on satisfaction:-
- Age
- Disability
- Gender
- Religion
- Ethnicity
- Sexual Orientation
- Location
- Stock type
If we found that a particular characteristic has not been represented fairly, then we would apply ‘weighting’ to the overall TSM results, but we will confirm this against our results where this method has been applied.
The Regulator requires us to report on satisfaction for low-cost rental accommodation (LCRAs) if Ongo own more than 1,000 households, and low-cost home ownership (LCHO) if we own more than 1,000 units. As we do own more than 1,000 LCRA homes but not LCHO homes we are only required to provide data for our LCRA homes only.
Each landlord is required to publish their results, starting in Summer 2024, to give customers the opportunity to compare their landlord with others in the same sector.
We do not use incentives to encourage tenant participation of the survey but we do value your feedback and want to hear from you.
We do not use any external contractors to collect, generate or validate the reported perception measures and our internal data team will analyse all the feedback received. The results of the survey will be published annually to our website and tenant Key News.
We may wish to contact you further about your answers to help us improve, however you are able to opt out of this at the end of the survey.
All results will be submitted annually to the Regulator of Social Housing so they can track each organisation and the sectors performance to see where improvements can be made.
All customers in our rented accommodation are invited to participate in the TSM survey. The easiest way for us to send you the survey link to you is via email or SMS so please ensure your contact details that you hold with us are kept up to date and we are notified of any changes. However, should you have any difficulty in completing the survey online, our Customer Experience team are always happy to help and find the best format or channel for you to be able to participate and have your say.