£30k to deliver training for single parents

£30k to deliver training for single parents Image


Our Employment Support Team has been awarded £30,000 of funding to provide training to 60 single parents.

The aim of the Lone Parent Stepping Stones course is to help participants start the next stage of their life, either by returning to work or getting into work for the first time. This is through workshops, training sessions and confidence building.

We launched this training in 2018, and were the first to do so in the area. Following its success, the Building Better Opportunities project agreed to fund six more training programmes, over a six month period, with the first one launching in March 2019. 

Marie Riggall, Training Manager said: “We’re thrilled to be able to deliver more of this training. It’s so needed in the local area and we can’t wait to get started.

“After having a child some parents find getting back into the routine of working difficult, so it’s about changing that mindset and giving them the confidence they need to move on and progress.

“The last Lone Parent Stepping Stones course we delivered had great results. By the end we had some participants in volunteer placements and attending interviews. We can’t wait to see how the next courses will change people’s lives.”

Gemma Smart who attended the last Lone Parent Stepping Stones course commented: “When I first came to Ongo I had very low confidence and didn’t really know what to do. They helped me so much throughout the training and I can’t thank them enough.

“I came away not only with new training to add to my CV, but the motivation I needed to go out and look for work. Since completing the course, I’ve completed a work placement and I’m now applying for jobs. I’m excited for the future, and that’s down to the support I’ve received. If anyone is thinking of getting involved in the training, I’d definitely recommend it.”

The programme will be delivered throughout Scunthorpe and includes travel and childcare costs and a range of activities, courses and visits.

To find out more about how you could get involved, get in touch with Employment Support from Ongo on Facebook, Twitter or visit their office on Cole Street, Scunthorpe.