£40k investment transforms estate in Barton

£40k investment transforms estate in Barton Image

The Caistor Road estate in Barton has seen huge changes over the last five years, with more than £40,000 of investment from us and partner agencies.

Before work began in 2014, low employment levels, anti social behaviour and people leaving their homes were the biggest issues facing the estate, with each empty property costing us on average £2,500.

In a bid to make positive changes and save money, we revamped The Viking Resource Centre, a community hub on in the heart of the estate. Other services were also introduced, including free education and training, activities for young people, clean up days and campaigns to improve health and well being.

Addaction, Tesco, Sanctuary Housing, the Police and Crime Commissioner and the National Lottery Awards for All initiative have all been huge supporters, backing the project with involvement and funding.

Partnership work with Humberside Police has played a huge part too, with better relationships within the community and an increase in reported anti-social behaviour.

Another clear success has been an almost 50 percent reduction of empty homes from 2016-2019, as more people stay in their homes and move to the area.

Today the estate is home to three staff members, employed by us, who maintain the area. There is a dedicated Centre Manager and two Community Investment Assistants, who both live locally and started out as volunteers.

Sarah Staves, one of our Community Investment Assistants said: “I have lived on the estate for 15 years and it’s almost unrecognisable from where it was.

“Not only has Ongo changed my life by giving me training and employment, they’ve changed the lives of my children, and so many families that live here can say the same.

“We are now a stronger, more resilient community, and I am proud to call it my home.”

Claire Coyle, Housing Services Manager said: “We want to make our communities a happy and safe place to live, so a huge amount of effort and resource has gone into this project.

“We have built fantastic relationships with external agencies and people living on the estate, and I hope that together we can continue to make a difference.”

To find out more about our community projects and plans offer, click here.