Apprenticeship week at Ongo Recruitment

Apprenticeship week at Ongo Recruitment Image

Ongo Recruitment is looking back at a successful year of securing apprenticeships for local businesses as part of National Apprenticeship Week.

National Apprenticeship Week runs from 5-9 March and aims to celebrate apprenticeships and the positive impact they have on businesses. The week is organised by the National Careers Service who is a company that coordinates the delivery of apprenticeships in England.

In the last 12 months, Ongo Recruitment has supported over 50 apprentices into organisations across North Lincolnshire. We have some great outcomes which have seen the apprentices successfully gaining full time work with their apprenticeship provider or progressing to the next level of training.

Richard Green, Recruitment Manager at Ongo Recruitment, said: “Apprenticeships are a brilliant way to start your career, to be able to get that vital hands on experience whilst still earning a wage.

“Not only are these great for young people, but businesses can really benefit from taking on an apprentice too. There are so many great advantages for businesses, offering apprenticeships can give employers the opportunity to discover the best young talent, with many people at the start of their career opting for an apprenticeship as an alternative to the university route. Apprentices can also bring a great new dynamic to a company and the government funded training available can mean that this is a affordable and very effective way to ensure apprentices can grow with the needs of their business. They can also rest assured they are doing their bit for young people and the UK, helping to create a skilled workforce which will drive the future economy”.

“Here at Ongo Recruitment we like to go the extra mile with the support we offer our apprentices and businesses we work with. We will take all the hard work out of employing an apprentice; we’ll do the recruiting, payroll, regular reviews and arrange any training they may need. The apprenticeship Levy came into action last year and we’re also able to offer businesses support in getting as much funding as possible to make it a viable business decision to take on an apprentice.

“Apprenticeship week is a brilliant way to highlight the great work apprentices to, and to also see how much they’ve progressed over the space of 12 months. We’ve had really positive feedback from businesses we work with that have taken on apprentices, many hiring them as permanent staff once the apprenticeship comes to an end.”

If you’re interested in finding out more about how an apprentice could benefit your business, or would like to get more information on how the process works, get in touch with Ongo Recruitment today. You can call 01724 844848 or email