Customer Engagement Framework Consultation
The existing Customer Engagement Strategy is due to expire in 2021. Community Voice, our recognised tenant body, have agreed that the strategy will be replaced with a brand new Customer Engagement Framework.
The new document will take into account how we ‘do’ Customer Engagement and also the principles identified in the Social Housing White Paper.
The framework will ensure we demonstrates our commitment to involving and empowering customers. It will set out the ways in which we provide opportunities for customers to get involved and detail the support that customers can expect to receive to help this to happen too.
We want this framework to be developed with your help, providing feedback to make sure we get it just right.
Please take a look at the draft framework here and provide us with any feedback you have to take into consideration as part of the development process.
You can send all feedback via e-mail to the Strategy & Policy Team. Please make sure it’s with us before Thursday 5 August 2021.