Employability day

Employability day Image

On Friday 29 June, our Employment Support Team will be hosting two events to celebrate Employability Day.

The national day, set up by ERSA (Employment Related Services Association) aims to highlight the work that organisations do across the UK to support individuals back into work.

The first of the events is at our Employment Support office on Laneham Street in Scunthorpe between 10am-2pm, and is aimed at people that are currently unemployed, or are looking to get into a better paid job. There’ll be guest speakers, stalls, food, music and loads of information about the free training and support the team can provide. Invitations are open to this and the team welcomes anyone that wants to find out more.

The second event will be held at Cafe Indie in Scunthorpe between 10am-2pm. It’s aimed at secondary school students to give them practical advice and insights into various career paths which could be available to them once they leave education.

There will be staff from different departments at Ongo on hand to talk to the students about the job they do, what qualifications they needed to get where they are today, and answer any questions about their career. Other agencies confirmed to attend include Humberside Fire & Rescue and The Royal Marines.

Pete Tedde, Employment Support Coach said: “It’s great to be involved in National Employability Day, as it fits with what we do perfectly.

“In my job I meet people every day that are unemployed and just need that little bit of extra support to realise their potential. This might be through training, CV writing, work placements, or just a chat to see what it is they want to do in life.

“We’re really pleased with the response we’ve had so far, and we’re hoping that by hosting events like this we can tell people about the free training and support we offer, and get even more local people into work.”

 “We’re really pleased with the response we’ve had so far, and we’re hoping that by hosting events like this we can tell people about the free training and support we offer, and get even more local people into work.”

Aiden Evans, Station Manager at Humberside Fire and Rescue said: “It’s great to be involved in local initiative and to promote the roles and opportunities in Humberside Fire and Rescue Service, whilst supporting the local community.”