Employment awards

Employment awards Image

Our Employment Support team and North Lindsey College Adult Skills hosted an awards event for their customers in December, to highlight their successful training and employment journeys over the last year.

The event was held at our office on Cole Street, Scunthorpe and was a huge success with over 50 people attending, including old and existing customers.

Kevin Hornsby, Director of Opportunities here at Ongo and Mick Lochran principle of North Lindsey College attended the event to present awards and congratulate the learners.

Hayley Cullen, Employment Support Operational Manager said: “This event gives us the chance to celebrate the hard work of our customers, and hear about how our support has helped them.

“Watching people accept awards that came to us at a low point, and are now in work and much happier makes me so proud. It’s just a fantastic example of how we create opportunities for local people.”

Award categories included achiever of the year, learner of the year, most improved leaner of the year, volunteer of the year, apprentice of the year and most dedicated leaner of the year.

Over 800 people have signed up with our Employment Support team over the last year, with 147 getting into work and 157 accessing training.