Employment support training for single parents

Employment support training for single parents Image

From Tuesday 18 September, our Employment Support Team will be launching their five week Lone Parent Stepping Stones course, specially designed to support single parents into work.

The aim of the training is to inspire participants to start the next stage of their life, either by returning to work or getting into work for the first time, through workshops, training sessions and confidence building.

We will be the first organisation in the area to deliver this kind of training, completely free of charge. Lunch will provided each day, along with stationary and a file of evidence and certificates. Everyone taking part will also be given the opportunity to go shopping for a brand new interview outfit, and get their hair done.

 The programme will not only explain the benefits and impact on each individual, but also their children and family as a whole. An overview of the course is:

  • Week one: Getting to know you (a confidence boosting session reminding the participants that they are adults with a lot to give to their community)
  • Week two: Barriers to work (what do you want to do, what’s stopping you?)
  • Week three: Meet your support (introduction to the other services Ongo offer)
  • Week four: Staying Sane (how to juggle, work, benefits, the shopping, childcare etc)
  • Week five: Employability Day (a celebration event for participants)

After completing the five weeks, the participants will be invited back to a celebration event, which they will have organised, to boost their confidence. They will have the opportunity to wear their new outfits, chat to people about their experience on the course and find out what job opportunities are available for them.

Maryanne Fitzgerald, Next Level Project Manager here at Ongo said: “We understand that after having children it can be difficult to get back into the routine of working, which is why we designed this training. In our area nowhere else offers this kind of thing, so we’re delighted and can’t wait to get started.

“On the last lone parent course we delivered, the results were fantastic.  Of the six people that attended, all progressed into employment or training and we’re hoping for the same kind of success with this one. ”

If you’re interested in the course, get in touch with our Employment Support Team.