Eviction notice served

Eviction notice served Image

On Friday 20 July we attended Grimsby County Court, where we were granted a 14 day possession order on one of our homes in Scunthorpe, resulting in the tenant being served an eviction notice.

The case was escalated to court due to anti social behaviour and rent arrears, and the eviction will take place on Monday 10 September.

We started to investigate following several complaints in connection to the address. The tenant had neglected their property and garden, and a large amount of visitors causing anti social behaviour to other residents had been reported.

After a full investigation by our Housing Officers, we found that the garden was in a poor condition, the property had been damaged and drug paraphernalia was present, indicating that drugs may have been used at the address. As well as gathering evidence from the investigation, neighbours had also reported frequent visitors to the property, indicating possible drug dealing occurring.

We worked closely with Humberside Police to address concerns raised by residents, reassure the community and gather evidence needed to take further enforcement action.

All evidence was presented in court and the judge found that it was reasonable, using the balance of probability, to grant us possession.

Claire Coyle, Housing Services Manager, said: “I’m very proud of the work our Housing Officers do every day to make our communities a safer place to live. They’ve done another great job in working with local people to gather evidence and get the best outcome.  We will continue to work closely with partners such as the Police and Safer Neighbourhoods at North Lincolnshire Council to tackle anti social behaviour.”