Find out the benefits of taking on volunteers

Find out the benefits of taking on volunteers Image

On Friday January 26, our Employment Support Team is hosting an event to showcase the benefits of taking on volunteers.

Businesses are invited to their office on Laneham Street, Scunthorpe to meet the team and hear about how the Volunteering Project works.

On average, our Employment Support Team work with 30-40 volunteers at any one time. All of which go through accredited training, and have a dedicated Employment Support Coach to help get them into employment.

Scott Stalgis, Work Placement Co-ordinator and main organiser of the event said: “Throughout the afternoon, we’ll be hearing from guest speakers who have worked with volunteers, and from the volunteers themselves.

“We’re hoping that by listening to their experiences, and explaining the benefits we’ll attract more businesses to get involved, and create more opportunities for local people.

“From April 2016 to April 2017, our team helped 150 people back into work, and by helping volunteers to be work ready, we want to increase these numbers further.”

If you’re a local business, and you’d like to find out more, or if you’d like to come along to the event, please get in touch with the team on 0174 844848.