Gardening workshops

Gardening workshops Image

Gardening workshops have been taking place at the Caistor Road estate in Barton as part of a wider project to tidy up the area.

The sessions were organised by our staff, with funding support from Sanctuary Housing. The North Lincolnshire Council Waste and Recycling Team also supported at the workshops by providing recycling hints and tips.

Staff hosted three workshops for tenants to get involved in. Each one had a different theme, with the aim of bringing the community together, encouraging tenants to take pride in their gardens and an opportunity for tenants to learn new skills.

The themes for the workshops were:

  • Grow your own: learning how to grow your own produce, including fruit, vegetables and herbs
  • Creating hanging baskets: a workshop to learn which flowers work well in hanging baskets and how to display them to show off their full potential
  • Decorating pots: using recycled materials to spruce up garden pots and planters

Fran Rhodes, Estate Manager said: “These sessions were really popular with our residents, and it was great to see so many people get involved. The sessions not only taught the tenants some useful gardening hints and tips, but it also brought the Caistor Road community together.

“Seeing residents working alongside staff from Ongo, Sanctuary Housing and North Lincolnshire Council was really positive too. Everyone getting together to help improve the local community.”

Stuart Smith, Area Manager at Sanctuary Housing, said: “We are always looking to support projects such as this which benefit residents and their community so are delighted so many took part. Not only have the sessions improved the neighbourhood, residents have been able to learn valuable new skills for sustainable lifestyles and make lasting friendships for the future.”