Gold award for crime reducing design on Scunthorpe homes

Gold award for crime reducing design on Scunthorpe homes Image

We’ve been recognised with a Secured by Design gold award for our new housing development on the former Albert Marson Court site.

Secured by Design is a police organisation that works with businesses to reduce crime through the design of their new homes and developments. Their aim is to help people live in a safer society.

The award was given based on the design of the new development and the measures in place to help reduce anti-social behaviour. Special features in the design of this development were recognised as ways to make it a safer place to live, with less anti-social behaviour in the area.

Features include no alley ways being included in the design, having well lit communal areas, increasing the level of surveillance throughout and robust door and window security locks.

The £3.5million development was built by GS Kelsey and is a scheme of 23 three and four bedroom houses on the site of the Albert Marson flats.

Martin Phillips, Development Manager, said: “To receive this award is brilliant recognition for everyone involved in this fantastic development of homes.

“Through working in partnership with Humberside Police from the beginning of this project, we managed to create new homes for people in what we hope will prove to be a safe, secure and happy place to live.

Tracy Rokahr, Humberside Police’s Designing out Crime Officer, said: “I was delighted to be involved in this development, working with Ongo, BSB Architecture and GS Kelsey. 

“Designing out Crime uses architecture and design to address security issues, minimise opportunities for crime to take place and enhance the quality of life for those living in the area.

“It has been proven to reduce the risk of burglary and criminal damage by at least 75%. This is a fantastic development and I’m very proud to be able to present Ongo, a very well-deserved Secured by Design Gold award.”

 To find out more about our developments, click here.