Hales and Coultas join campaign to end male violence against women

Hales and Coultas heating and plumbing, based in Scunthorpe, have signed up to the White Ribbon promise.
White Ribbon is a global campaign that encourages people to take action on changing the behaviour and culture that leads to abuse. To wear a white ribbon is a promise to never to commit, excuse, or remain silent about male violence against women.
Hales and Coultas are the largest heating and plumbing company based in North Lincolnshire, covering the whole region and further afield. With over 20 employees, this is a huge contribution to the campaign.
This year, White Ribbon Day falls on the same week as the launch of the FIFA men’s World Cup. Research published by Lancaster University found that domestic abuse rose by 38% when England lose, with local Police forces also reporting an increase.
Michelle Mills, Manager at Hales and Coultas said: “We’re very proud to be able to say that every member of our team is behind the White Ribbon campaign and has personally promised to take a stand.
“We are out and about within communities every day, so being able to recognise abuse, offer help and report it is so important.
“This is just one of the ways in which we are supporting our customers and colleagues, and we are committed to making a difference where we can.”
To find out more information about Hales and Coultas, visit their website: www.halescoultasplumbing.co.uk.
If you are a victim of domestic abuse and need help, you can contact Victim Support on 08081689111 or visit www.victimsupport.org.uk/crime-info/types-crime/domestic-abuse/ and they will be able to advise what is available in your area.