How we're raising the aspirations of young people

How we're raising the aspirations of young people Image

489 young people in North Lincolnshire have benefitted from our Raising Aspirations project since it launched 12 months ago.

The project aims to develop closer working links with local schools to enable our Raising Aspirations Team to engage with tenants and young people living within their homes and communities. The project looks to empower and encourage young people aged 8+ to grow to their full potential through various activities and events.

For every one pound spent on this project, there is a social value of £17.30 with the overall social impact so far equalling £845,185.

The team has also recently secured a £10,000 Active Humber grant which is being used to deliver sports related activities in disadvantaged areas. Young people are choosing six week long activities such as street dancing, boxing or football.

Made up of three staff members, the team has already supported 310 young people through 22  activities and events. These include one to one mentoring sessions with youngsters, holding an Employability Day event, visiting local schools to engage with students and holding youth club and summer holiday activities.

Kerry Copson, Manager for the project, said: “We’re delighted with how well the project is going so far, and how many young people we’ve been able to engage with. We’ve been able to support youngsters that may not have previously had aspirations and ambitions for when they get older, and have been able to encourage them to get involved in our activities.

“We’ve seen lots of the people we’ve worked with become more confident, engaged with school and more positive about their future.

“There’s lots more we’ve got planned over the next 12 months to support even more people across North Lincolnshire through partnership working, creating volunteering opportunities and many more activities in the pipe line.”