Huge turnout for The Arc's birthday party

Huge turnout for The Arc's birthday party Image

On Friday 31 May, The Arc in Westcliff, Scunthorpe, celebrated its first birthday with a fun community party.

The party, which over 90 people attended, had entertainment from Nutty Norman, party games, cake and freebies to take away. There were also members from our Housing Management and Employment Support team, as well as North Lincolnshire Council and CatZero on hand to talk about any issues in the area, and job/training opportunities.

Since opening in May 2018, the community centre has welcomed thousands of visitors and has increased its workforce from three to 17 staff and volunteers.

The Arc houses Westcliff Community Works, Little Owl’s preschool, Post Office, Arcafe, a training centre, youth zone and meeting rooms for hire and is part of our £million regeneration project, which also includes 41 new homes and retail units.

Amy Ward, who attended the event, said: “It’s been so nice to come together with neighbours and friends for the party today, and the kids have loved it.

“Since The Arc opened, I’ve met so many new people that I wouldn’t have spoke to before. They’re always putting events on and promoting the support that’s available, and it’s nice to know someone’s there to give you help.”

Victoria Bradshaw, Activities Coordinator at The Arc, commented: “We’d like to say a huge thank you to them and to everyone that’s turned out today, it’s been great fun and the perfect way to celebrate us turning one.

“Right from the start, local people have been so supportive of The Arc. Whether they’ve just come in to use the Post Office, grab a coffee from the cafe, or they’ve had one to one mentoring with a job coach.

“So much has happened round here in the last year with more work to tackle antisocial behaviour, new homes being built, and of course, our opening. We’re very lucky to be in such a resilient and positive community, and can’t wait to continue for many years to come.”

The Arc runs weekly sessions including bingo, benefit and housing advice, family activities and coffee mornings. A team of mentors work from there to help people with education and training.

To find out more about The Arc, visit, or follow them on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

 For photos from the event, click here.