Important fire safety update

Important fire safety update Image

Results from the precautionary testing of cladding on our four high-rise blocks in Scunthorpe have confirmed that the materials are non-combustible.

Residents had previously been reassured that the cladding material differed from that at Grenfell Tower, in London, however, we voluntarily appointed a consultant to carry out further checks for additional assurance.

A consultant has also been appointed and is currently designing the sprinkler systems which are due to be installed in all four blocks – Sutton House, Crosby House and Princess House at Market Hill, and Trent View House.

Designing and installing sprinkler systems to existing buildings is a complex exercise and we will be sharing the design plans with residents to allow for comments and feedback before the work starts.

In addition to the regular fire safety assessments we carry out, Humberside Fire and Rescue officers have completed an audit on each of the buildings and any actions identified have already been addressed, or are in the process of being addressed.

We have also taken the decision to broaden the scope of our fire risk assessments in the future.

Steve Hepworth, Deputy Chief Executive of Ongo, said: “We continue to do everything necessary, and more, to ensure the residents living in our high-rise buildings are as safe as possible.

“We are reassured that the cladding results were as we expected and we are progressing with plans to install the sprinkler systems which will provide residents with extra peace of mind.

“We are talking regularly to the fire service and this will continue so that we all have assurance that everything that can be done, is being done, to ensure the safety of all our residents.”