International Women’s Day event

International Women’s Day event Image

Our Employment Support Team hosted an event to celebrate International Women’s Day on Thursday 8 March, which over 20 people attended.

The event was aimed at women aged 19 and over living in North Lincolnshire, who are either looking for work, or looking for the next step in their career.

There were several activities throughout the afternoon, and Employment Support Coaches were on hand to sign new clients up and give information about the projects they offer.

Several female guest speakers also attended the event to share their stories on how they made it in stereotypically male dominated careers.

Megan Riley, Outreach & Engagement Officer at The University Centre in Scunthorpe who was one of the guest speakers said: “I attended the event after being invited by one of Ongo’s learning mentors, who I met through the Next Level Project. I found today’s event to be really inspiring, supportive and a great opportunity for all the women that attended.”

Dianne Barry, 57, who attended the event said: “Unexpected circumstances have meant that I’m currently out of work, so I have to learn new skills later on in life, in order to hopefully get into employment.

“I found the event really useful, and it was nice to be inspired by other women’s stories. I’m definitely going to book an appointment with an Employment Support Coach, as there’s loads on offer they can support me with.”


To find out more about the Next Level Project, click here.