Keeping our neighbourhoods safe

Keeping our neighbourhoods safe Image

In the last few months there has been a real focus on our joint work with North Lincolnshire Council and Humberside Police to tackle crime and anti-social behaviour in and around Scunthorpe.

Our Tenancy Enforcement Team have helped make a huge difference within our community. From securing injunctions, reducing anti-social behaviour (ASB), to helping individuals fight back against cuckooing and county lines. They have been extremely busy keeping our neighbourhoods safe.

Paul Grimley, our Tenancy Enforcement Team Leader said: “Working with Humberside Police has ensured we are able to take action against the right people and keep our tenants safe.

“This partnership is making a real difference. It’s giving the message that we won’t tolerate anti-social behaviour and crime in our properties, and that we will go to all lengths to ensure justice is served.

“We will continue to work hard alongside our partners to make sure we provide support to our tenants, help them to feel empowered and we make a difference to our estates.”

Take a look below at just some of the cases the team has been involved in and the difference it is making.

  • Operation Cromer

    This is a joint operation with Humberside Police, and North Lincolnshire Council. It aims to tackle ASB within the town centre through partnership working. 

    The work of our Tenancy Enforcement Officers has meant that not only have we acquired our own injunctions against individuals, but by us taking action, we have also supported North Lincolnshire Council to obtain their own injunctions too. This means that a number of tenants are now facing enforcement action, due to their involvement in criminal behaviour in this area.

    Since taking part in this operation, we are seeing a decrease in anti-social behaviour in our estates within the town centre and high rise buildings.

  • Operation Energy

    The aim of this operation is to protect children who are at risk of child sexual exploitation, county lines and being coerced into committing crimes. 

    The main leads on this case are currently focusing on Westcliff, where there has been a multi-agency approach.

    The result has meant that two children are now in safer accommodation, with more currently being investigated, and an awareness that we are here to help in the area.

  • Operation Kato

    This is an ongoing operation that looks at targeting our cuckooed properties.

    We have been working in partnership with Safer Neighbourhoods to retrieve our properties back and have recently been able to help one targeted male, who after a lot of hard work is now in secure accommodation as well as working with drug and alcohol services.

  • Operation Attoll

    This is Crosby based, where we have been very successful in our interventions with the youth of the area, and joint work with the Police.

    Since starting this operation five notices have been issued, we have agreed a number of acceptable behaviour contracts with young people, as well as holding other action.

    The effect of this has meant that issues in the area have become nominal, which is great and means we don’t need to take further enforcement action.

  • Operation YellowFin

    Operation Yellowfin was set up two years ago after a large number of reports of motorcycle nuisance were made to us, Humberside Police and partners, along with #HumberTalking surveys, and staff from all agencies witnessing the issue first-hand.

    We are currently gathering intel to support the Police in making a number of arrests and seizures. Then in turn we’ll take enforcement action if they are our tenants, or using our tenants’ homes to be involved in this.

    So far this operation has monthly updates where hotspot areas are discussed, so areas and individuals can be monitored.

  • Operation Galaxy

    This is a large country wide operation aimed at tackling and disrupting the main circuit of drug dealers.

    The operation involves us submitting information we obtain into the Police which they will investigate. Once this information has been confirmed, we take a joint approach in raiding the property if safe to do so.

    It has had a huge success rates, with over 1,000 people in the last year being arrested around England

Do you know any information that could be used to assist these operations? Get in touch with our Tenancy Enforcement team today.