Let's do it online

Let's do it online Image

It is important that you can contact us when you need to, we are here to support you in any way that we can.

In recent years we have opened up new ways for you to talk to us including social media, email and website live chat.  

We deal with around 11,000 customer contacts per month and 80% of the time this happens over the phone. We are always happy to talk to you, although a telephone call is one of the most expensive ways for us to be contacted. Doing it online is quicker, and means you can contact us at a time that suits you.

It is also cheaper online, as you can see above the cost to us when a customer contacts us on the different channels. This means that we can spend more on supporting you in a more meaningful way, whether that be through employment support, housing or mental health. 

A quick and easy way to self serve is through My Home.

We conducted a survey to find out how you are using My Home and where we can improve it, the survey received 600 responses and from this we were able to understand what we can do to make this a better experience for you.

You said that the registration and log in pages need to be made more user friendly and so we have made it easier to enter date of birth and added a help section for anyone that gets stuck when logging on.

You also said that you want to be able to pay your rent within My Home itself, without being directed. Now, after logging onto My Home and clicking to pay rent, you are directed to an Ongo branded page, from here just input your card details, it’s that easy.

Many of you stated that you would like to receive confirmation after booking a repair, so you will now receive an email confirming that we have your request on My Home. We have also increased bookable repair slots, to make it easier to find a time that suits you.  

You can use our full range of digital services at any time, from the comfort of your own home:

My Home: Go to myhome.ongo.co.uk or download the My Home app on the Android and Apple App stores

Email: enquiries@ongo.co.uk

Social media: Find us on Facebook and Twitter

Website: go to ongo.co.uk

Live web chat: use our live chat feature on our website above.