Menopause Support

Menopause Support Image

Women over 50 are the fastest growing demographic in the workplace. But around 900,000 women have quit their jobs due to the menopause. Three in four women experience menopause symptoms and one in four have severe symptoms.

Without workplace support for women, symptoms such as anxiety, brain fog, fatigue, poor memory, hot flushes, and irregular and heavy bleeding can lead to:

  • Loss of confidence
  • Decreased productivity
  • Taking time off work
  • Less satisfaction with their job
  • Making the difficult decision to leave the workforce

A third of the population in the UK are currently in the phase leading up to menopause or currently have menopause. It has a wide range of mental and physical symptoms that can last up to seven years.

Together, we can encourage everyone to take positive action and support all staff affected by menopause in the workplace.​​​​​​​

Below are some helpful links, please take the time to give them a look.