Money saving tips for you

Money saving tips for you Image

Our Support team can help you in a number of ways – one of these is offering money-saving tips and helping you with your finances.

We’ve already done a lot of work to make your home efficient with the latest heating systems, quality roofing, wall insulation and modern windows and doors.

But there are always extra things that we can all do to save money, and the environment too.

  1. Turn your thermostat down – reducing your room temperature by 1°C could cut your heating bills by up to 10% and typically saves around £50 per year.
  2. Check your boiler – your cylinder thermostat should be set at 60°C/140°F.
  3. Close your curtains at night – this helps to keep heat in the room.
  4. Turn off lights – when you leave a room, flick that switch or turn down that dimmer.
  5. Don’t leave appliances on standby – as well as TVs, don’t forget laptops and mobile phones which may be on charge unnecessarily.
  6. Try not to part-load machines – did you know that a full-load of a washing machine, dishwasher or tumble dryer uses less energy than two half-loads.
  7. Only boil as much water as you need to – make sure the elements of the kettle are covered with water.
  8. Use energy saving light bulbs – they last up to 10 times longer than ordinary bulbs, and using one can save you at least £45 over the lifetime of the bulb.
  9. Do a home energy check – walk around your home and work out where you can make the best savings.
  10. Wrap up warm – consider an extra layer of clothing rather than turning up the thermostat.
  11. If it gets hot, turn down the thermostat – don’t open the windows, as you are paying for heat to escape through the window.
  12. Use your timer – so your heating goes off just before you go to bed and comes on again just before you get up.

You could be eligible for a Warm Home Discount rebate. The 2020/21 scheme opened on 12 October and you could get as much as £140 off your electricity bill. 

Check to see if you are eligible.