National Apprenticeship Week: Luke Ladley’s story

National Apprenticeship Week: Luke Ladley’s story Image

Luke started his apprenticeship 26 February, so he’s still pretty new to his role. He’s settled in well though and was even the face of a video posted on the Hales & Coultas Facebook page after just five days in the job.

Luke is 22 years old and previously worked for a farm company, so this is a completely different job for him to learn. He has already completed his college work and has his heating and plumbing certificates. He wanted to start an apprenticeship so he could get that hands on experience he wouldn’t get by just attending college.

Luke says there are lots of benefits to being an apprentice: “The great thing is that I can earn a wage while I’m out actually learning the job. It’s very different actually getting hands on experience rather than just from looking at books.

“For me, I find that I’m much quicker at learning how to do something by actually getting on the tools and doing the job.”