Neighbourhood Standard Consultation

Following some initial consultation with some of our involved tenants, we have produced a draft document presenting our proposed new Neighbourhood Standard. It has been created to make it clear to tenants and residents living in our neighbourhoods what standard of maintenance and service they can expect to keep the areas they live in clean, safe and secure.
We really want to know what you think of our proposed standards and ask that you read through it and provide us with any feedback you have. We want our Neighbourhood Standards to be informed by our tenants and residents so please make suggestions and ask any questions you have. Have we included everything in the Neighbourhood Standard or is there something we have missed; something that’s really important to you, we want to know!
The draft Neighbourhood Standard is here. Please read through it and send any feedback you have to the Strategy and Policy team via e-mail by Wednesday 26th January 2022. We value all the feedback we receive and it will be discussed and considered in the development of our brand new Neighbourhood Standard.