Ongo Recruitment celebrate best ever year in business

Ongo Recruitment celebrate best ever year in business Image

Our Recruitment team is celebrating their best ever year in business, smashing their targets and securing new clients.

The agency celebrated 16 years in business on May 1 this year, and they’ve had a record year in terms of profits made and the number of new clients secured. The team saw a 36% increase in the number of clients they work with compared to last year. They also exceeded their annual target by delivering an additional 42% in profit.

Richard Green, Ongo Recruitment Manager, said: “We’re thrilled to have had such a successful year, and we’ve placed staff into many fantastic North Lincolnshire businesses.

“What’s really brilliant though is the fact that the team’s hard work really does make a difference to our local community. We are able to offer so many people living in North Lincolnshire a job with the businesses we provide staff for, but it doesn’t stop there. What we believe makes us different is our dedicated Employment Support Team who are on hand to help individuals become confident, skilled and work ready. They offer support through training, mentoring and coaching to help people realise their true potential and secure employment, which has in turn meant we can place high quality candidates in roles we have to fill.

“We’re setting our targets even higher for 2019 and hope to be able to support local people and the community even further.”

Over the last 12 months, the team has focused on securing more clients within the industrial sector, and to begin growing their client base within the food sector which was a new addition to the teams remit in 2018.

The team has exciting plans for the coming year, focusing on continuing to drive the industrial and food sector to assist people in the community who may be low skilled to gain sustainable employment and enhance their lives. The team also has plans to take on another recruitment consultant towards the end of the year.

Could your business benefit from a high quality recruitment agency which puts the community at the heart of what it does? Get in touch with Ongo Recruitment to find out more