Ongoing incident at Trent View House

Ongoing incident at Trent View House Image

We are aware of an ongoing incident at Trent View House in Scunthorpe.

At the moment we are still gathering information from the scene but early indications suggest that a fault with pipe work has led to a water leak, affecting the electricity supply.

This has caused the alarm go off and the fire service are currently attending the scene. However it is important to stress that there is no fire.

As a precautionary measure, tenants have been evacuated. There is no suggestion that anyone is at risk of any harm.

We are awaiting further information and have a team from Ongo on site to assess the situation and provide information to tenants.

Update at 11.54am

We understand tenants have been allowed back into the building and the fire service has left the scene. Ongo staff will remain there to provide information and reassurance to tenants.

The electrics have been isolated and we have specialists on site to rectify the problem.

Update at 12.05pm

We can clarify that the leak was from pipework in an individual flat and NOT the sprinkler system, as reported. The leak has been dealt with and we have staff on site to re-establish the electricity supply.

Update at 12.15pm

The main water damage is isolated to one flat, where the leak occurred, although the two flats below have sustained, what is believed to be, some minor water damage. The leak has been repaired and our contractor is on site to clear the water, assess the electrics and restore power.

At the moment, there is no electricity supply in the whole building, however, we are hopeful this can be restored quite quickly. We will keep tenants updated when we have a clearer timescale.

Our housing team will now be supporting the tenant in the damaged flat to ensure they have somewhere to stay whilst repairs are carried out.

Update at 12.40pm

We are finding a place to stay for tenants from two of the flats which have been damaged by water and helping them to arrange storage for their belongings whilst the repair work is carried out. We aim to do this as quickly as we possibly can to minimise the disruption to these residents.

The water supply is still off at Trent View House and won’t be restored until the electricity is back on line. We also have telecoms staff on site checking their systems.

Update at 1.15pm

The two tenants whose flats have been damaged in this morning’s water leak at Trent View House have now been provided with alternative accommodation and help to arrange storage for their belongings.

Bottles of water have also been handed out to the residents of the block as an interim measure until their water supply is back up and running.

Work is continuing to get the electricity supply fully restored, with the assistance of Northern Powergrid, however, we understand several flats are with electricity and have not been affected by the isolation of the supply.

Update at 4pm

Northern Powergrid are still working hard to try and safely restore the electricity to Trent View House but water damage continues to cause concern. We are still hopeful the power will be re-established, however, we are making contingencies, if, despite all our best efforts, this is not the case.

None of the 79 flats have electricity or water at the moment.

We continue to have a team of staff on site to support tenants and keep them informed of the situation and we wish to thank them all for their understanding and ongoing patience.

Update at 6pm

The good news is that the electricity and water are now safely restored at Trent View House.

However, we still have our staff on site and will remain there for the next couple of hours to ensure everything is okay and residents are well supported.

Whilst we don’t anticipate further problems, we are speaking to all tenants individually tonight and have bottles of water and heating on standby should a problem occur overnight.

Our emergency team are on hand to help and we urge any resident who experiences problems to contact us on 01724 279900.