Our Chief Exec announces his retirement

Our Chief Exec announces his retirement Image

Andy Orrey, our chief executive, has announced his plans to step down from the role in 2018.

Andy has led Ongo for seven years and in that time has overseen its growth from a social housing landlord into a successful housing and community investment group delivering vital housing, health and employment support to people across North Lincolnshire.

On announcing his retirement, Andy said: “I believe that every organisation benefits from a new and refreshed leadership every once in a while.

“Whilst I will miss the many staff, tenants and partners I have worked with over the years, I will continue to be proud of the work delivered by them for the benefit of North Lincolnshire communities.”

Andy first joined the organisation as Director of Finance and Deputy Chief Executive in 2007 when North Lincolnshire Homes was established to take on the transfer of homes from North Lincolnshire Council.

He became Chief Executive in 2010.

Under his leadership, Ongo Partnership was formed, and in 2016 North Lincolnshire Homes rebranded to become Ongo Homes.

We expanded our community investment programme, taking on Crosby Employment Bureau, in Scunthorpe, to offer employment support, training and recruitment services.

We have also developed a commercial subsidiary, taking on Ashbridge Roofing, Hales & Coultas Heating and Plumbing and have set up Mi living sales and lettings.

Most recently we’ve taken on the work of the M25 homelessness service in Doncaster.

Chair of Ongo Partnership David Hilditch said: “Andy has led Ongo through a period of great change, growing the business and becoming a real ambassador for social housing and community investment.

“Anyone who has worked with Andy knows of his commitment to helping those who most need it and his focus on delivering the very best customer service.

“He is well liked and respected across the sector and I am sure he will continue to be a success in his future ventures.”

As well as his role as Chief Executive here at Ongo, Andy fulfils several roles, including member of the Greater Lincolnshire Local Enterprise Partnership, Board Member of Leeds and Yorkshire Housing Association and, most recently, Chair of the Board at Cross Keys Homes, in Peterborough. He plans to continue in these roles.

David Hilditch added: “Ongo has a really exciting future ahead as it invests in its largest development programme yet. The impact we are making in communities continues too. Whilst new leadership will inevitably provide us with a fresh outlook, which is healthy for business, we remain committed to building new homes and providing communities with the support and services they need.”

The role will be advertised nationally at the end of the November. Andy will remain in his post until his successor takes over the role.