Our gender pay gap fell by 2% in 2018

Our gender pay gap fell by 2% in 2018 Image

Each year, we publish information about our gender pay gap. This is the average difference in pay received by the men and women employed by us.

The gender pay gap shows the difference in the average pay of all men and women when calculated as a whole. It takes into account all jobs, at all levels and all salaries.

We work hard to make the gender pay gap as low as it can be, but we recognise in some areas, such as our maintenance and construction roles, it is sometimes more difficult to attract women.

At the moment, our mean gender pay gap is 8.5% (a fall of 2% on the previous year) which continues to be a lot lower than the national average of 17.9%. However, we continue to champion new initiatives to reduce our pay gap even further, including:

  • Gender neutral job adverts, including careful consideration to language and imagery
  • Ensure interview panels are gender balanced
  • Targeted recruitment for under-represented roles.
  • Partnerships with schools and colleges to encourage and support more women to apply for male-dominated roles.

To read the gender pay gap report, just click here