Over 100 people attend Dine & Dance

Over 100 people attend Dine & Dance Image

Over 100 of our tenants attended the annual Dine & Dance which took place on Monday 29 October.

The event was completely free of charge for our tenants over the age of 55. It included a pie & pea lunch, music and entertainment.

The main aim of this event is to tackle social isolation and encourage tenants to socialise, spend time with friends and meet new people.

Sandra Costello of Warley Road in Scunthorpe, said: “This is the fourth year I’ve been to the dine and dance, and it’s an absolutely excellent afternoon.

“It’s so nice to get everyone together and see people I don’t often get to spend time with. The fact it costs us nothing is brilliant too.”

Jeanne Bradford of Hilary Road in Scunthorpe attended the event for the first time: “I’ve recently moved, and it was my neighbour that invited me to the dine and dance. It’s a great day and I would definitely recommend anyone coming along to it, especially if you’re on your own.

“It’s a great way to meet new people. I wasn’t sure about coming but I’m really glad I did. I will definitely be coming back again next year, it’s just brilliant.”

Helen Wright, Support Services Manager, said: “We love putting on this event each year, and it’s great that so many people came along to enjoy the afternoon.

“We host events like this to try and reduce social isolation and to encourage our older tenants to get out and meet new people.”