Single parents ready for work

Single parents ready for work Image

A group of eight single parents from North Lincolnshire are now work ready, after completing a specialist training programme with us.

The Building Better Opportunities lone parent training gives mums and dads the skills and motivation they need to get back into training and work through workshops, training and confidence building.

We launched the training in 2018 and following its success, received funding for six more programmes, over a six month period from the Building Better Opportunities project. These will be delivered throughout Scunthorpe and include travel and childcare costs and a range of activities, courses and visits.

Jayde Strong who is 23 and lives in Scunthorpe completed the most recent course. She said: “I’m a full time mum and I really wanted to find out my options as I didn’t know there were opportunities available to me. This course got me out of the house and my confidence has boosted so much in just two weeks.

“I’ve now got the self belief to know I can achieve great things and do whatever I set out to do. I’m going to make sure my daughter has this same feeling of self worth as she grows up too.

“Now I’ve completed this course I know I’m going to thrive.”

Marie Riggall, Training Manager said: “It has been an amazing two weeks, and so inspiring to see the whole group flourish. They all started with such low self esteem, no confidence and couldn’t see their potential. By the end of the course their confidence has grown massively and they now know that they truly can achieve great things.

“I’d like to say a huge well done to all of the ladies, I’m so proud of each and every one of them. I can’t wait to see where they go from here.”

To find out more about how you could get involved in the next course, get in touch with our Employment Support Team.