Our apprenticeship scheme celebrates another successful year

As one of the leading organisations in the North Lincolnshire area for placements, we are celebrating National Apprenticeship Week with another successful year of career opportunities.
The campaign is organised by the National Careers Service each year and aims to celebrate apprenticeships and the positive impact they have on businesses. This year it takes place between 6-12 February.
Since 2019 we have supported over 90 people into apprenticeships within their organisation or other businesses in the region. Of those who completed their qualification, a huge 87% have gained full time employment.
At any one time the organisation has pledged to employ at least 13 apprentices, with current roles in their finance, lettings, health and safety, ICT, compliance, horticulture, maintenance, customer service and recruitment departments.
They also have plans to offer their first ever degree apprenticeship in the Spring.
Along with placements in our own organisation, our recruitment team works alongside other local businesses to advertise and fill vacancies, carry out all payroll and HR duties, organise training and offer support on grant funding they may be eligible for.
Dan Vockins, Apprenticeship Support Coach here at Ongo commented: “I’m really proud to work for an organisation that is fully behind the apprenticeship scheme.
“In the last four years Ongo has directly employed 39 apprentices in total, which just shows their commitment, and belief in the scheme.
“There have been many other business I’ve worked with over the years too with the same success. It’s great to see so many people benefitting from these opportunities and changing their whole career path.
“As well as huge benefits to the apprentice with earning whilst they learn, business can benefit from a £1,000 grant and only pay for 10% of the course cost.
“It’s a great opportunity to support and mould the next generation of employees, so please get in touch with me if you’d like to find out more.”
One business who have benefitted from Ongo’s apprenticeship scheme is Nettl in Scunthorpe. Dan Laws, Studio Manager commented: “Giving an apprentice a chance is something every business should consider. We’ve found great talent locally using this route.
“I found Ongo Recruitment to be the ideal partner, removing the admin and helping us every step of the way.”
Yasmin Lockhart, Income Team Leader here at Ongo and former apprentice said: “I did a housing and support apprenticeship. I picked this one because it wasn’t really something you could find in the usual form of education options, and I felt like it could open up a number of doors for me.
“This included being involved within the community I grew up in and if I’m completely honest, I wasn’t sure which path I wanted to go down career wise, like so many other young people.
“It opened the door to successfully becoming a permanent part of the Income Collection team as an Income Assistant. 10 years later I am still here as team leader, supporting an incredible group of people that support customers to improve their lives.”
To find out more about how an apprentice could benefit your business, or for information on how the process works, call the team on 01724 844848 or email recruitment@ongo.co.uk.