Taking your career to the next level

Taking your career to the next level Image

We’re hosting an event on Monday 7 August to offer advice and guidance on how to take your career to the next level.

The Next Level – Get a Better Career Event will take place between 5-7pm at our Ongo Employment Support office on Laneham Street in Scunthorpe.

Anyone who is already in work but would like to progress in their career is welcome to attend the event, and the team will be on hand to offer practical advice and guidance. As well as this, the team will be able to sign people up to for training courses free of charge.

Yvonne Thompson, Next Level Project Manager, said: “Our team are here to support people to the next level in their career. This is our first event where we will advise people on the best ways to improve their career prospects and get them signed up to relevant training courses.

“This service is completely free of charge and the only requirements are that people are already currently in employment. This can be full time, part time, permanent, temporary, casual work or someone on a zero hours contract. All we need is proof that they’re in employment.”

The Next Level project is run by our Employment Support Team and aims to help people improve their work situation. Whether this is helping them secure a better paid job, get regular set hours or permanent employment. The team is made up of skilled tutors and mentors who can help individuals gain the skills and qualifications to progress to the next level in their career. There is no charge for individuals to take advantage of this service which is partly funded by the European Social Fund.

To find out more information about this event and the work of the Next Level Team, contact them on 01724 844848 or email nextlevel@ongo.co.uk

You can register for the event here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/next-level-get-a-better-career-event-tickets-36405581073 Alternatively you can turn up on the day without pre booking.