Training celebration event

Training celebration event Image

On Friday 16 November our Employment Support Team marked the end of their six week Lone Parent Stepping Stones course, specially designed to support single parents into work, with a celebration event.  

The aim of the course is to inspire participants to start the next stage of their life, either by returning to work or getting into work for the first time, through workshops, training sessions and confidence building.

After completing the six weeks, participants were invited back to a celebration event, which they helped to organised. They were also given the opportunity to wear new outfits that had been bought for them during the course, chat to people about their experience and find out what job opportunities are available for them.

Maryanne Fitzgerald, Next Level Project Manager at Ongo said: “We’ve seen a huge amount of progress in the women that have attended the course. This is really a starting point for them to build their confidence and get skills to take forward.

For me the best thing about the course is seeing each individual grow, and knowing that the course will improve the lives of their family.”

Gemma who attended the course commented: “After completing the course I have a new found confidence and feel empowered to go and get the job I really want.

As well as this training, I now also volunteer in Ongo’s Housing Team, which I’m really enjoying. I can’t thank everyone enough for the help they’ve given me, it’s really changed my life.”

We are the first organisation in the area to deliver this kind of training, completely free of charge, and are hoping to deliver more of the same in future. To find out more about what the team offer, visit