Volunteering success

Volunteering success Image

Liam works at the cafe based in The Arc in Westcliff, Scunthorpe. The video below shows Liam’s journey, and how he went from being someone that struggled to leave the house or talk to people he didn’t know to being confident and securing a full time job.

It was after visiting the local Job Centre that Liam found out about our Employment Support Team and he booked an appointment to see them to find out how they might be able to support him to become work ready.

He was given a volunteering placement on one of our allotments where he learnt lots of valuable skills and his confidence began to grow. Liam admitted this was completely out of his comfort zone, but knew that it would help him to get closer to being ready to work again.

It was then that he secured an interview at The Arc’s cafe, and was successful in getting a job there and hasn’t looked back since.

Liam said: “I don’t think I would have got to where I am now without doing the voluntary work. I’m looking forward to the future to see where this role goes and how I can progress.”

Are you looking to get back into work but don’t feel quite ready yet? Our Employment Support Team can help. Get in touch with them to find out more.