Want to become a leader in housing? Now's your chance

Want to become a leader in housing? Now's your chance Image

The National Housing Federation (NHF) has officially launched its Housing Futures programme, and would love for you to get involved in this exciting opportunity.

The scheme aims to get the housing sector working together on an “unprecedented scale” to tackle the some of the biggest challenges in housing, and develop ideas for new products, services or approaches that will transform people’s lives.

It’s a fantastic opportunity to be part of a huge project, which will involve:

  • Three days of innovation training delivered by ?WhatIf! Innovation on 10-12 March or 17-19 March in London (travel and accommodation costs to be covered)
  • Running a minimum of two regional training days in April and May
  • Some pre-event preparation e.g. starting to gather insight and finalising plans for how the session will run (approximately one working day in total)

If you’re an Ongo Homes tenant, and would like to opportunity to get involved, let us know! 

Further info: 

Becoming an Insight Leader is an incredible opportunity for people that are skilled presenters (or want to boost their presenting skills) and are passionate about their customers. The three days of training will provide invaluable innovation know-how and equip participants with new skills, tools and techniques that will make you a facilitation pro for the rest of your career.

Once we’ve identified the challenge area each region will focus on, Housing Futures will enter the Insight phase. During this phase we will learn how to “fall in love” with the problem we’ve identified by gathering insights and delving into the root causes. This will help us to understand the problem, as well as challenge our own perspective to come up with legitimate solutions.

It is crucial that participants have a clear understanding of their obligation to share innovation learning with housing associations across the region through various communications and speaking opportunities (e.g. writing blogs, visiting other housing associations) in the months following the events (this should be a minimum of one working day).