Warning over bogus official fears

Warning over bogus official fears Image

Police are investigating reports of unknown people wearing Ongo clothing acting suspiciously in Scunthorpe.

In one incident, two men were reported to be knocking on doors at about 8pm on Wednesday 20 September 2017 on Helston Walk, Scunthorpe.

Several other reports have been received by our staff, raising concerns that people who have no association with us have acquired branded clothing and may use it to commit crime, although no crime has been identified to date.

Lisa Fleming, Head of PR & Marketing here at Ongo, said: “Our biggest fear is that clothing with the Ongo logo has fallen into the wrong hands and could be used to falsely gain access into people’s homes.

“Every member of Ongo staff carries an identification card. People must always ask to see this before allowing anyone claiming to be from Ongo into their home.

“We urge anyone who has suspicions about someone falsely claiming to be from Ongo to contact us.

People with information about two men knocking on the doors at Helston Walk should contact Humberside Police on 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111, quoting log 494 of 20/09/2017.