We can confirm sprinkler plans

We can confirm sprinkler plans Image

We can confirm that we will be installing additional sprinkler systems in our four high-rise blocks of flats in Scunthorpe.

The decision was taken at the Ongo Homes Board meeting last night (Wednesday 28 June 2017).

We have the following high-rise buildings: Princess House, Sutton House and Crosby House, at Market Hill; and Trent View House, off Bridges Road. The Market Hill buildings already have a sprinkler system fitted in the bin chute areas.

Pete Stones, Director of Regeneration at Ongo Homes, said: “The safety of our residents comes before anything else. Whilst we have confidence in our fire safety procedures, and test them regularly, the awful events at Grenfell Tower remind us of the great responsibility we have for the safety of our tenants.

“We will do everything we can to minimise any risk to life. Our tenants not only need to be safe, but feel safe too. Sprinklers will provide us, and our tenants, with that additional peace of mind.”

The cladding on all of the buildings is different to that which was installed on Grenfell Tower.

The cladding on Ongo Homes buildings was fire tested prior to its installation, however, additional precautionary tests have been commissioned to provide further reassurance to tenants. Robust fire safety systems and processes are also in place and these are regularly checked.

“We will now be working with an external company to design an appropriate sprinkler system for each of our high-rise buildings.

“We have written to all the tenants who live in the flats to tell them about our decision and will update them further once we have more information about when we will carry out the work and what it will entail.”