‘We Care Days’ make a difference in Westcliff

‘We Care Days’ make a difference in Westcliff Image

Throughout 2022 we have held nine ‘We Care Days’ across the Westcliff estate in Scunthorpe to make improvements to the area and bring the community together.

The days were launched as an opportunity for their colleagues to set time aside, give something back and engage with local residents.

There are over 2,000 Ongo homes and 5,000 tenants in Westcliff, making it by far their largest grouping of homes, and an ideal location.

In total 600 metres of wooden fencing have been painted, over 300 bags of green waste collected and recycled into compost at their allotment, and two skips were filled with bulky items.

April Hewitt, Ongo tenant, commented: “I think they are a brilliant idea, a lot of local people do not have the money to buy expensive gardening tools and fence paint.

“I think it encourages others on the estate to look after their home and gardens as they see staff working hard.

“We need more days like this as it brings the community together for a positive reason, there are brilliant people who live on this estate.”

These days are part of a huge ‘We are Westcliff’ campaign which continues to build on the £9million Ongo investment on new homes, retail units and The Arc community hub, and £500,000 from the Safer Streets Fund.

Fran Rhodes, Community Regeneration Coordinator at Ongo said “The turnout has been brilliant these past few months, which shows just how much our colleagues and customers care about giving back.

“The work carried out made a huge difference to the area and is really helping to promote a positive environment that people can be proud of.

“I’d like to personally thank every single person who has been involved, you’ve been a massive help.

“We are excited to continue the We are Westcliff campaign with more initiatives like this and would love to see as many people involved as we can, so if you live locally make sure you pop into The Arc and find out more.”

Following the success, more ‘We Care Days’ are set to be held across the region. The next one will be on Tuesday 25 October in Winterton, where residents are encouraged to join in.