We ranked 44 in top 100 Most Inclusive places to work

We have been announced as the 44th most inclusive place to work on The National Centre for Diversity ‘Top 100 Most Inclusive Workplaces Index 2022’.
The National Centre for Diversity (NCFD) work with over 600 organisations across the UK and have their own ‘Top Performers index’, training and bespoke support to enhance understanding of equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI).
The NCFD work with organisations of all sizes in the private, public and voluntary sectors; including schools, further education institutions, construction companies, prisons, housing associations and NHS trusts.
We have been officially recognised for embedding the FREDIE principles (fairness, respect, equality, diversity, inclusion and engagement) throughout its organisation and communities.
Solat Chaudhry, Chief Executive at the National Centre for Diversity said:
“I send my warmest congratulations to Ongo on successfully reaching number 44 in the Top 100 Most Inclusive Workplaces Index 2022.
“It’s been a challenging year and yet, it has not dented the excellent work that organisations and individuals do in promoting FREDIE best practice.
“I am particularly proud that we celebrate excellent work across all sectors as these organisations are the future of the workplace in the UK.
We celebrate the exceptional work of people and organisations who have EDI running through their DNA. Let’s rejoice at this and build a better society.”
Erica Sanderson, Strategy and Policy Manager at Ongo commented: “We are delighted with the ranking and couldn’t be prouder of everything our customers and colleagues have done to accomplish this.
“It’s a huge achievement for us all and is something we will continue to build on with increased awareness, involvement and a clear action plan of ways we can improve.
“I’d like to say a huge thank you to all of those involved and to the National Centre for Diversity for their support.”
To find out more about our EDI commitments, follow us on social media or follow this link: www.ongo.co.uk/edi.