We’ve achieved a top rating from the regulator

We have returned to a G1/V1 rating, which is the highest possible rating following an in-depth assessment by the Regulator of Social Housing.
On 31 August, The Regulator of Social Housing confirmed that we’ve now returned to a G1 rating meaning we fully meet governance guidelines set out by the regulator.
G1 is the highest possible rating for governance and demonstrates that we have successfully worked through an action plan agreed with the regulator to give the assurance that we meet all governance requirements.
The plan included a full review and restructure of their Board, strengthening our risk management framework and simplifying governance arrangements.
The changes saw the creation of a new common Board and a number of new Board members joining our organisation. The new Group Common Board came into operation on 1 January 2020 and oversees all the work for the whole group of companies and we’re currently working towards further simplification of our group structure.
Bob Walder, Chair of our Group Common Board, said: “I’m really pleased with the recognition from the regulator that our governance has been assessed at the highest standard.
“We will now continue to focus on our core objectives to be a great landlord and support our tenants in particular with the cost of living crisis.”
We have also retained our V1 rating which is the highest possible rating to receive for our financial management.