We're leading in equality, diversity and inclusion

We're leading in equality, diversity and inclusion Image

We’ve been ranked 11th out of 100 leading organisations in the UK, for our commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion.

The news came after our Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Steering Group was shortlisted for “Group of the year” at this year’s National Centre for Diversity awards.

The National Centre for Diversity works with organisations to positively influence beliefs, and improve their workplace. They have also created national equality standards, such as the Investors in Diversity Award.

Our (EDI) Steering Group is made up of staff, customers, contractors and partners. Their purpose is to raise awareness, push forward activities and embed EDI across the organisation. The group also work to challenge behaviours and provide improvement recommendations.

One of their most recent improvement projects involved scrutinising the breakdown of the nine protected characteristics in relation to selection, recruitment, and composition of current staff and Board members, against the geographical profiles of the area of representation. Some of the outcomes involved four individuals with learning difficulties now working for us and a growth in the number of job applications being received from the BME community.

Karen Cowan, Head of Customer Service and Support said: “We’re extremely proud to have been ranked so highly, it’s a massive achievement and something definitely worth celebrating.

“EDI is so important to us, which is why it’s so high on our agenda here at Ongo. We’ve done some amazing work, but it doesn’t stop here. We will continue to improve in 2019 and make more positive changes.”

If you’re one of our tenants and would like to find out more about our EDI group, get in touch with us.