We've achieved two customer service accreditations

We've achieved two customer service accreditations Image

We have recently been successfully re-awarded with two customer focused accreditations.

The CSE (Customer Service Excellence) Accreditation was the first to be re-awarded to us for the second time.

The inspection carried out by an independent assessor involved focus groups with staff, customers and partner agencies and was followed up with observations of customer service delivery at our HQ, Customer Service Centre on Cole Street and out and about shadowing our staff.

The inspection looked at how staff members interact with customers, the ways that they offer efficient, effective services, and how the company involves customers in its decision making.

We achieved top marks in all 57 areas of the inspection, with particular praise being given in these areas of customer service:

  • Engaging and involving customers
  • Our culture of continuous improvement
  • Our work on agreeing a new set of service standards

The second accreditation we’ve secured for the third time is the TPAS (Tenant Participation Advisory Service) Accreditation.

This accreditation provides an independent view of the services a housing association offers to its customers in terms of effective tenant and community engagement. It highlights areas of strength and also ways in which organisations can improve their services.

Karen Cowan, our Head of Customer and Support Services, said: “To achieve both of these accreditations again is an absolutely fantastic achievement for everyone here at Ongo.

“We were recognised for the way in which we put our tenants at the heart of everything we do, and how we involve them in many of our big decisions. This is something that is really important to us so to receive external recognition for our commitment to involving our tenants is brilliant.”