We've struck IiP Gold

We've struck IiP Gold Image

We’ve achieved Investors in People (IiP) gold for the second time, following a workplace assessment which took place in December 2016.

The assessment follows a meeting with IiP assessors, our HR Team and Senior Management, plus a staff survey and focus groups.

Mo Mathieson, Ongo’s Organisational Development Manager, said: “We’re all so pleased that Ongo achieved gold, it’s something that all the staff here should be extremely proud of. As one of the region’s largest employers we come so far.

“The assessor was very complimentary of the work we do to invest in our staff, including our management training programmes, how well embedded our values are and how the staff truly live them, and how polite and friendly all the staff were.

“Doing the Investors in People assessment was a brilliant opportunity to look at what we’ve done well and how we can improve further to become an even better place to work.”