Work starts to install sprinklers

Work starts to install sprinklers Image

WORK to install sprinklers in Scunthorpe’s four high rise blocks of flats began this week (15 January 2018).

Princess House, Sutton House and Crosby House, on Market Hill, and Trent View House, on Bridges Road, are all earmarked for sprinklers as part of an £800k investment.

They will be fitted into each individual flat and all communal areas.

The decision to fit sprinklers was taken voluntarily by Ongo Homes’ board members immediately after the fatal fire at Grenfell Tower, in London, in June 2017. The programme is being funded by Ongo Homes.

Andy Orrey, Chief Executive of Ongo, said: “Along with the rest of the country, we watched with horror as the devastating fire at Grenfell Tower claimed the lives of so many people.

“Whilst immediate checks on our buildings confirmed the cladding differed from that on Grenfell Tower, and we have lots of fire prevention measures already in place, we can’t take any risks with the safety of our tenants.

“Sprinkler systems save lives and protect properties. The decision to fit them was an easy one to take. As a landlord it is our responsibility to protect our tenants as much as we can. But it is equally important that people feel safe in their homes and by taking this action we can provide them that additional peace of mind.”

The systems have now been designed and a national company called United Living has been appointed to carry out the work.

The whole project is expected to take approximately 18 weeks to complete.

extra information

Trent View House has 13 floors with 79 individual flats. Crosby House has 19 floors with 76 individual flats. Princess House has 19 floors with 76 individual flats. Sutton House has 19 floors with 76 individual flats.

All the buildings house a mixture of one and two bedroom flats.

Following the fire at Grenfell Tower, Ongo voluntarily commissioned tests of the cladding used on its four buildings and was able to confirm it was NOT of the same construction as that on Grenfell Tower.