Working together to help

Working together to help Image

Partnership working has succeeded in helping a vulnerable tenant’s health and wellbeing when it was needed most.

Two of our colleagues had been trying to contact the tenant as she had not been seen living at her home for a number of months. It turned out she had referred herself to the hospital due to concerns about her memory and, upon meeting her and stepping foot in her home, several things were immediately apparent.

Hoarding, unopened post, a smoke alarm battery needing to be replaced, and a high level of rent arrears due to the tenant assuming Housing Benefit was covering her rent.

Mental health services had already been involved upon the first visit but, after the tenant’s condition was found to be worsening, more help and support was forthcoming from us, Humberside Fire & Rescue (for the smoke alarm) and Adult Social Services. They have arranged a two-week spell in respite care for the tenant whilst further wellbeing support will be provided, and the team have helped to tidy up her home.

A new Housing Benefit claim has also been started, plus a neighbour has kindly offered to help with keeping track of mail and bills to be paid.

Jo Greenfield, one of our Tenancy Sustainment Coaches who was involved, said: “I’m so glad that we’ve been able to do everything possible to safeguard a vulnerable tenant. There’s still a long way to go, but this example of working together has helped to put the steps in place to support her now and in the future.”

Partnership working with other agencies and looking out for your neighbours is so important. Check out the range of support that we can offer here.