Your EDI update
The Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Steering Group meeting was held this month, so we wanted to update you on what was discussed.
With over 20 attendees (including colleagues from across the business and tenant representation), it was a full agenda with lots of actions to take away.
Here are some of the key highlights and actions:
- An update on our resettlement project was presented, with real life case studies and evidence of the difference it has and continues to make
- We are looking at EDI actions to be included in all PDR templates which is ongoing and to be looked at for April 2024
- We’re looking at overhauling EDI training and comparing it with what Housing Diversity Network (HDN) provide. Access to some of their training can be found here:
- Within the next EDI report to Board, the potential of having a named Board member to champion EDI will be raised
- There was no contractor representation at this meeting, which is something the group feel is important. This will be investigated for the next one
- Plans are being made to launch a campaign for tenants to make sure their details are up to date
- A disability audit has been completed and actions agreed. These are being monitored and are due to be complete by the end of March 2024
- We are looking to retain our Level 2 Disability Confident accreditation
Get involved:
- We’re looking at a brand-new impact assessment to use to understand if any of our policies or organisational changes impact positively or negatively in respect of the protected characteristics of the Equality Act 2010
- The group discussed a new Gender Identity Policy to replace the Gender Reassignment Guidance. This is now out for consultation until 29 February 2024 – send your responses to the Strategy & Policy team
- The next meeting will take place at The Arc in Scunthorpe on Thursday 13 June 2024, between 9:30am-12 noon with a presentation on carers
If you’re interested in taking part or contributing, please get in touch with us. All EDI information can be found here.