Damp & Mould Policy – March 2023
Lead Officer: Customer Relations & Service Improvement Manager
Version 1.0
Purpose/Changes New policy
Approval Date 28/03/2023
Approved By Group Common Board
Suggested Review Date March 2024
1.1 Ongo Homes properties will be well maintained and free from property defects causing damp and mould that could risk damage to the buildings and / or the health and safety of tenants, leaseholders and members of their households living in those properties.
1.2 Ongo Homes will take prompt and effective action to identify the cause of damp in in all properties owned and managed by us and any communal areas and take proactive steps to manage and control it, whilst ensuring compliance with all statutory, regulatory and contractual requirements.
2.1 This policy applies to:
- All tenants who live in a property owned by Ongo Homes
- All customers who hold a leaseholder agreement with us where the property defect falls under Ongo’s repair responsibility as per the terms of the lease
- Customers who own their home through shared ownership, where Ongo Homes has a repairing obligation under the terms of the lease
- All property communal areas
3.1 The aims of this policy are to ensure that:
- We proactively manage the risks arising from hazardous damp and mould in our properties, including in communal areas
- We provide homes and leasehold premises (homes and commercial premises) that are safe, warm and dry
- We carry out repairs within a reasonable time
- We are clear about tenant / leaseholder responsibilities and the responsibilities of Ongo Home in respect of controlling, managing and eliminating hazardous damp and condensation in our properties
4.1 Ongo Homes will investigate and implement repair solutions to any property defect that is causing damp including managing and controlling condensation.
4.2 Where damp and mould issues do not arise from a property defect but they present issues that affect the health and safety of tenants / leaseholder or members of their household and / or make the property unfit for human habitation, Ongo Homes will investigate and consider improvements that could be implemented to alleviate the problem and improve the condition of the property.
4.3 To help those living in an Ongo Homes property, and understand the responsibilities detailed within their tenancy agreement, lease or licence, regarding the control of damp and condensation and reporting of repairs immediately, Ongo Homes will provide appropriate advice, guidance and support to ensure a safe and healthy environment for tenants and leaseholders.
4.4 In some cases we may need to decant tenants to alternative accommodation whilst work is carried out. This will be done in line with our Decant Policy and Procedure.
4.5 Ongo Homes will make use of the data and insight measures available to help inform the potential risks to properties so that proactive measures can be taken to mitigate against the risks of damp, mould and condensation before it becomes a problem.
4.6 Ongo will make sure that the fabric of its buildings is protected from deterioration and damage resulting from damp, mould and condensation.
4.7 All reports of damp and condensation will be responded to and repairs or measures put in place in line with the Ongo Maintenance Policy. The response time will be dependent on the severity and urgency of the problem, the complexity of the solution and the repair works / actions required. Appendix 1 illustrates our risk rating matrix and associated response times.
4.8 Ongo will check on each completed repair within six months of any damp and mould work being carried out to ensure the issue has been solved.
5.1 The Customer Relations and Service Improvement Manager is responsible for ensuring this policy is implemented and for the monitoring of the application of the policy across all reports of damp and condensation to Ongo Homes.
5.2 This policy will be monitored in line with the following KPIs:
- Number of cases reported by month
- Categorisation of seriousness (using the matrix in Appendix 1)
- How many cases closed in month
- How many cases closed within target timescales
5.3 Periodic reports against this policy and the KPIs will be provided to Board (as part of the regular Health & Safety compliance report), Leadership team and Community Voice.
6.1 This policy also links to our:
- Damp & Mould operational procedure
- Health & Safety Policy
- Maintenance Policy
- Decant Policy & Procedure
- Tenancy Management Policy
- Tenancy Agreements
- Disrepair Procedure Page 4 of 4
- Ongo Homes Complaints and Feedback Policy and Procedure
- Compensation Policy and Procedure
- Ongo Customer Charters
6.2 The main pieces of legislation and regulation relevant to this policy include:
- Landlord & Tenant Act 1985 Section 11 Repairs & Maintenance
- Housing Act 1985
- Home (Fit for Human Habitation) Act 2018
- Housing Act 2004 – Health and Safety Rating
- Decent Homes Standard
- Regulatory Standards – Home Standard, Neighbourhood & Community Standard
- Health & Safety at Work Act 1974
- Housing Health & Safety Rating System
- Defective Premises Act 1972
- Environmental Protection Act 1990
7.1 This policy will be reviewed one year after first approval and then every three years going forward. We will review earlier if required to ensure legal and regulatory compliance.
Appears when excess moisture in the air meets a cold surface, such as a window or a cold wall. It can lead to mould growth and tends to be worse in winter.
Penetrating damp:
Penetrating damp is caused by water coming through external walls or the roof. It can also happen when there is an internal leak.
Rising damp:
Groundwater soaking up into the bricks or concrete is known as rising damp.
Damp and Mould Rating Matrix
The severity of the damp and mould primarily determines the risk rating however the vulnerability of occupants is an influencing factor. Highly vulnerable households are those containing the following:-
• babies
• children under 16
• older people (+65)
Or any household member with any of the following medical conditions:-
• Allergies
• Asthma
• Respiratory Tract Infection
• Skin problems e.g atopic eczema
• Weakened immune system e.g having cancer treatment
If the severity falls under an amber rating but the household is considered vulnerable, then based on the individual circumstances a red rating may be applicable. If you are unsure, please seek advise from a Manager in the Maintenance Team. If you feel a hazard is of a serious and immediate risk to a person’s health and safety, always rate it red and react immediately.
- Red rating (Severe)
Extensive areas of damp and /or mould growth in 1 or more of the properties main living spaces which includes: –
• bedrooms
• living rooms
• bathroom
• kitchen
Extensive mould growth and or dampness visible on surfaces:
Immediate diagnosis using AR and remedial works ordered
Mould wash to be completed within 3 days
If cause cannot be determined, urgent inspection to identify cause within 5 working days
Repairs priority
Urgent priority given to red ratings, and an earliest possible appointment slot found. No repair should take longer than four weeks and this is escalated to the Maintenance Manager to problem solve if this timescale is exceeded at point of ordering repair. We will also communicate to contractors on urgency of works, as well as conduct follow up mould washes where required. All repairs will be monitored by Ongo for completion.
- Amber rating (Moderate)
Small or patchy areas of damp and /or mould growth in 1 or more of the following:
• bedrooms
• living rooms
• bathroom
• kitchen
Immediate diagnosis using AR and remedial works ordered
Maintenance policy and associated repair timescales applied
Tenant advised if gets worse to contact us and reassessment completed
Complete mould wash within 7 working days
If cause cannot be determined, inspection to identify cause within 10 working days. - Green rating (Low)
Minor instance of mould around areas such as window frames, in silicone, around bath/shower
Mould growth limited to one location and a non-habitable room e.g under stairs cupboard, dining room
Immediate diagnosis using AR and remedial works ordered
Maintenance policy and associated repair timescales applied
Tenant advised if gets worse to contact us and reassessment completed
If cause cannot be determined – Inspection to identify cause within 4 weeks
The Housing, Health, and Safety Rating System is used to rate defects in rented accommodation as per Housing Act 2004:-
• Category 1 hazard – If a hazard is a serious and immediate risk to a person’s health and safety
• Category 2 hazard – If a hazard is less serious or less urgent